About Crystals and Crystal healing

Published on 5 June, 2019 | crystals

 Crystal healing

Do you want to learn more about Crystals and Crystal Healing  – Particular Healing Crystals and Healing Minerals, contain essential properties to aid us in leading a better life style and to have Better Health. These are classed as Stones for Health. Below are listed a number of the more easily available and relatively cheap Healing Crystals and Healing Minerals and the benefit of each specific Stones for Health.

AGATES – Stimulates the digestive process and relieves gastritis; Heals eyes, stomach and uterus; Cleanses lymphatic system & pancreas; Strengthens blood vessels & heals skin disorders; Soothes & calms; Enhances mental function; Improves concentration, perception & analytical abilities; Useful for any kind of emotional trauma.

AMETHYST – Boosts production of hormones, tunes metabolism & endocrine systems; Strengthens organs & immune system, cleanses the blood & removes pain; Eases headaches & releases tension, reduces bruising, swellings & injuries; Aids lungs & respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders & digestion; Treats insomnia & brings restful sleep; A natural tranquilliser; Overcomes addictions; Calms and synthesises; Helpful when insomnia is caused by an over-active mind; Protects against nightmares; Used as an elixir it is of great benefit for the treatment of arthritis; Stimulates the immune system.

BLOODSTONE – Used in treatment of the spleen; Purifies the blood, kidneys, bladder, intestines & liver; Neutralise toxins & helps to increase/decrease/balance the flow of blood; Can be used in the treatment of leukaemia; Energy cleanser & immune stimulator for acute infections; Stimulates flow of lymph

CALCITE – Cleanses organs of elimination; Encourages calcium uptake in bones, dissolves calcifications; Strengthens skeleton & joints; Alleviates intestinal & skin conditions ; Stimulates blood clotting & tissue healing; Fortifies immune system & encourages growth in small children;
As an elixir it is a ‘cure all’ & a powerful detoxifier.

CARNELIAN – Stimulates metabolism; Influences the female reproductive organs & increases fertility; Overcomes frigidity & impotence; Heals lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia; Regulates bodily fluids & kidneys; Accelerates healing in bones & ligaments; Stanches blood; Improves absorption of vitamins & minerals; Ensures a good supply of blood to organs & tissues.

CITRINE – Highly beneficial for CFS & ME; Reverses degenerative disease; Stimulates digestion, spleen & pancreas; Negates infections in kidney & bladder; Increases blood circulation; Detoxifies blood; Activates the thymus & balances the thyroid; Helpful for menstrual & menopausal symptoms.

FLUORITE – Powerful healing tool, dealing with infections & disorders; Benefits teeth, bones, cells; Repairs DNA damage; Beneficial for colds, flu, sinusitis, ulcers & wounds; Alleviates arthritis, rheumatism & spinal injuries; Provides great pain relief.

HEMATITE – Aids circulatory problems such as Reynard’s Disease & anaemia; Supports the kidneys in cleansing blood; Regenerates tissue; Stimulates absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells; Treats leg cramps, anxiety, insomnia; Aids spinal alignment & fractures.

JADE– Treats kidneys & supra-adrenal glands; Removes toxins; Rebinds cellular & skeletal systems; Heals stitches; Assists fertility & childbirth; Works on hips & spleen; Good for water retention.

KYANITE BLUE – Strengthens the voice and heals the throat and larynx; Dispels anger, frustration and stress; Treats muscular disorders & the uro-genital system; Aids thyroid and adrenal glands, throat and brain; A natural pain reliever; Lowers blood pressure; Heals infections.

LAPIS LAZULI – Alleviates pain, especially migraine headaches; Overcomes depression; Benefits the respiratory and nervous systems; Aids throat, larynx and thyroid; Cleanses organs, bone marrow, thymus and immune system; Alleviates insomnia and vertigo; Lowers blood pressure.

MOONSTONE – Heals disorders of the upper digestive tact; Powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle; Alleviates menstrual-related dis-ease and tension; Helpful in cases of shock; Can be used to calm hyperactive children.

PYRITE – Treats bones & stimulates cellular formation; Repairs DNA damage; Aligns meridians & aids sleep disturbed by gastric upset; Strengthens digestive tract & neutralises ingested toxins; Benefits circulatory & respiratory systems; Boosts oxygen in the bloodstream; Beneficial for the lungs, alleviating asthma & bronchitis.

QUARTZ – The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet; Master healer and can be used for any condition; Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance

ROSE QUARTZ – Most important crystal for the heart teaching the true essence of love; Calming, reassuring and excellent for use in trauma or crisis; Gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes; An excellent stone for mid-life crisis. If you have loved and lost, it comforts your grief; Strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system; Releases impurities from body fluids; Aids chest and lung problems; Heals the kidneys and adrenals; Alleviates vertigo; Helpful in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and senile dementia


Relieves fear; Lifts depression; Brings emotional calmness; Enhances; Promotes concentration; Alleviates communication difficulties

SODALITE – Helpful for people who are sensitive to ‘sick building syndrome’; Eliminates mental confusion and intellectual bondage; Encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuitive perception; Calms the mind; Balances the metabolism; Overcomes calcium deficiencies; Cleanses the lymphatic system and organs; Boosts the immune system

TOURMALINE BLACK – A natural insecticide, keeping pests at bay and; Encourages the growth and health of all crops; Banishes any feelings of being a victim; Attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity; Powerful mental healer, balancing the right-left hemispheres of the brain and transmuting negative thought patterns into positive ones; Releases tension, which makes it helpful in spinal adjustments; Balances male-female energy within the body.

Luna Online Home Studies

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