Aromatherapy oils for self esteem

Published on 25 February, 2013 | Aromatherapy

Oils for Self Esteem

essential oils

Sometimes a person can feel that they lack self esteem or confidence, are hesitant, don’t really like themselves and are wanting to change. These feelings may be directly related to a failing relationship or some sort of change has occurred over which you had little control (redundancy, loss/bereavement) but now is the time to take stock of your life, to set some goals and to move forward.

It is difficult to other people to like or respect you if you do not like or accept yourself. So instead of ruminating and telling yourself off about what you have not done go through the day and see what you did achieve. Try to extinguish all the old Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) with a laugh (Oh, there I go again, with my old negative thoughts) and seeing the positive in a situation. There is usually a positive side to be seen if one looks for it – the old adage “Every cloud has a silver lining” is normally true.
A person does not have to put off liking and accepting themselves until they have lost or gained X pounds or kilogram’s of weight. It is easier to make changes you desire if you support and encourage yourself along the way. For instance, with negative self-talk you would not talk to your partner or your best friend in the way you talk to yourself – would you?

Which Oil to Choose?

The following essential oils can help to gently explore life situations, which you are unhappy with, and to build up your self-esteem and feelings of self-worth, these include: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Jasmine, Bergamot and Geranium. You can make a massage blend up for yourself or use them in the bath and around the house.

Learning how to blend Oils

The complete course  of Basic Aromatherapy is a great way to start.  You will learn that
the oils are absorbed through the skin and when the essence of plant leaves, shrubs and flowers are inhaled they maximise the effect of their therapeutic benefits. Essential oils can be diluted with a pure carrier oil to provide a pleasing and relaxing massage.

Aromatherapy is one of the most relaxing treatments that can be given and is proven to be highly successful in the alleviation and cure of many ailments that exist in our society today.

On the successful completion of the complete course and examination, students are issued with the Luna Online Home Studies Introduction to Aromatherapy Certificate which enables them to practise the therapy on friends and family.  However, we recommend that students undertake the advanced course and examination if they wish to practice professionally.

You can then continue with your studies and take the Advanced Aromatherapy Diploma Course which would then enable you to work as a professional massage therapist.

Where to purchase Oils

For a full selection of anything to do with aromatherapy, massage oils, books etc.. then visit the aromatherapy online shop

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