Aura Colours

Published on 23 October, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

Understanding Auric Colours

Understanding aura colours – The aura is an energy field, which emanates from the surface of a person or object.Everyone and everything has an aura. The field of energy around our physical body forms our aura and is visualized as an outline of cascading colour. Every thought, feeling and experience we have affects the vibration of this energy field.

Recognition of the fact that humans are surrounded by an aura dates back through the millennia – Christian saints are traditionally shown with a halo around the head, the ancient Egyptians did the same for their gods or important human beings, as did the Hindus, Buddhists, Greeks and Romans.

The aura is generally recognised as having seven layers. The outer auric layers are concerned with the soul and spirit while the inner layers relate to the mind, emotions and health.

The aura is oval in shape and is made up of fibrous light surrounding the whole of the physical body. To some, it is like a heat haze radiating all around the person, shimmering with light and energy. It has every colour imaginable including those that are beyond the visible spectrum and connects us to the vibrations around us.

The colour vibration emitted from the physical and etheric bodies extends 3-4 inches around the body. See how that colour can describe your personality and what your future may hold in store.

 What Do The Colours Mean?

The colours surrounding your body might change several times a day. The energy reflects how you feel and will change with your mood. For most people, several different colours appear within their energy field at one time. Aura photography is now in great demand. Everyone has energy around him or her, and each aura is unique. Your colours can change according to major life changes. A divorce, new job or baby can all alter your colours and show you where there is particular stress involved.

How Do I Read An Aura?

It’s quite simple. When you have found the person whose aura you want to read, stand facing them, close your eyes and take several deep breaths. When you feel ready to open your eyes again, stare at the person, making sure you feel as though you are almost seeing straight through them. You will then see the figure in front of you start to blur.

Then What?

One of the first colours you’ll probably see will be white. Soon after other colours may start to appear in splodges. If you can’t see them, imagine a colour instead. The first colour to pop into your mind is more often than not the colour of the subject’s aura. Rub your hands together, and then place them above the person’s head. Slowly move your hands towards and away from the head, and once you have linked with the aura you may feel a sensation of tingling, heat or even coldness. With practice, you will learn how to relate the sensations and colours you pick up to specific things going on in someone’s life. Below is a basic list of what certain colours indicate.

White – denotes purity, joy, innocence and healing powers

Purple – denotes a strong spiritual character, wisdom, power, pride and a sense of justice.

Blue – shows someone is tranquil, creative and sensitive, with a gift for healing.

Green – hints at material wealth, but can also be a sign of emotional stress.

Yellow – shows a happy spirit, with sharp intellect and a zest for life.

Orange – indicates an ambitious, sociable nature.

Red – lusty and passionate, also implies courage, strength, vitality and severity.

Grey – can reveal that someone feels trapped.

Pink – shows a romantic soul who is loving, kind and a good friend. Highly fertile.

Black – can show past trauma and illness.

Gold – highly spiritual, working with the divine.

Brown – a down-to-earth, grounded personality.

Did You Know?

Some children up to the age of 5 can see auras without being taught.

Scientists believe that it’s the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds our bodies. Visible to those who are tuned in and through aura cameras, it looks like layers of coloured clouds, one on top of the other. The appearance of your aura suggests your personality and mood. Experts can also pinpoint any stress or illness you may be experiencing.

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