Changing your Career

Published on 2 April, 2011 | Working as Holistic Therapist

girl with dogs

Trish Kershaw

Its never too late to Change your Career

It really does not matter how old you are these days, a change of career is not so unusual. Many years ago people would train for something and would presume to stay doing that job for life. How refreshing now that we all have the opportunity to alter our own paths. After all what inspired us at 18 years of age may not do so once we turn 40.

My personal experiences have led me to do a wide variety of jobs over the years and this in itself has been  a great help to me when I have had to adapt to new situations. However my love has always  been holistic and no matter how many other jobs I have had in the past I have always been drawn back to studying various therapies and treatments and also to the alternative way of life. I believe that if you are breathing you can learn something, and age should never be a barrier. So today I am off for a weekend training in Life Coaching.

If you would like change of career then visit our website to see a list of training course that you can study from home. You never know this could be just the change of direction you have been looking for.

Life Coaching as a Career – update

Having attended the two day course I was more than happy with the professional way it was run and the content of the course, however I am not sure that working as a life coach is for me, I think I had best practice on myself first. The one difference between life coaching and working as a Councillor are very set. For instance if working as a counselor or mediator then you would offer your client advise or a solution. The job of a life coach however is never to offer advise. You basically ask the right questions so that your client can actually find their own way to achieving their goal. However if working as a therapist or with people then its a great skill to have. That’s basically it in a nutshell, however there is a lot more to it than that.  If you would like to learn a little more about life coaching then click below for a free copy of this handy ebook.

life coaching guide


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