Colour TherapyTraining Course

Published on 4 June, 2010 | Colour Therapy

Learning Colour Therapy

A course of colour therapy treatments begins with a diagnosis to find the real root of the problem. This is usually psychosomatic in origin, manifesting itself in a physical illness. We can counsel the client using coloured oils, colour cards and art therapy.

This is where the completion of a client treatment card can be really useful and can be updated after each visit to record how the client is feeling (a sample card is included at the end of Part 3 of this course). Once the therapist is confident regarding the root of the problem, treatments can begin which may include a combination of the following:
•    Chromotherapy (light therapy)
•    Colour acupuncture /colour reflexology
•    Colour related diet
•    Bach flower remedies /essential oils
•    Art and music therapy
•    Silk scarf treatment
•   Crystal treatments
•    Colour breathing and meditation

The therapist will also discuss with the client how to use colour in dress as well as how to create a supportive and balanced environment in the home and at work. This allows the patient home back-up using colour to reinforce his or her strengths and abilities.

You will learn this and much more in our Professional Training Accredtied Colour Therapy Course –Get your Free Course Prospectus

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