Colour Therapy Validated by Modern Science

Published on 30 June, 2022 | alternative therapies

Online Colour Therapy Course

Colour Therapy Explained

Here at Luna Holistic we strive to stay on top of the latest news when it comes to holistic therapies. A recent article in NaturalNews discussed the ancient practice of phototherapy and chromo therapy and how they are gaining momentum as a valid science. Today scientists are studying the way colour and light affect not only our psychological behaviour but also our physiological systems and body. They discuss an article in The New York Times about the way light and colour influence our well-being in different circumstances whether it be the neonatal units, prison cells, to classrooms and coal mines. With the Online Colour Therapy Course at Luna Holistic you will be able to learn everything you need to know to heal with colour.

How it all Started

Chromo therapy is the use of specific colours to influence wellbeing and Phototherapy is the use of full-spectrum white light. Light therapy has been practiced since 2000 BC around the world from India, China, to Ancient Egypt and Greece. However, it was the Egyptians and Greeks however, that embraced colour therapy as well. In their hermetic traditions different coloured crystals, minerals, and stones were regularly used in chromotherapy and different spaces were painted in carefully selected colours known for their healing abilities.

The Modernization of Chromotherapy

The body and mind are powerfully affected by light and colour. For instance, the colour pink, in San Bernardino County, California violent juveniles under detention are placed in a cell that is painted the colour bubble gum pink. Within 10 minutes the stop yelling and banging, simply relax and even sometimes fall asleep. Today more than 1,500 correctional facilities in the US alone have at least one room in the shade bubble gum pink.

Research done by nutritionist Richard J. Wurtman from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has shown that different colours influence various parts of the body including brain activity, biorhythms, blood pressure, and respiration rates. This is exactly what makes colour such an effective treatment for so many different diseases and illnesses.

A perfect example is how for the last decade a blue light has been used to treat jaundice in neonatal units. About 30,000 premature babies in America alone each year have been successfully treated with blue light to avoid common treatment of blood transfusions which could be dangerous.

For years ultraviolet lamps have been used in classrooms as well as coal miners to prevent black lung disease in Russia. Leading colour consultant, Faber Birren, claims that through this therapy children are able to grow faster than those without the therapy, their grades and work ability are improved and they suffer from less catarrhal infections. While in the United States ultraviolet light is used as part of the standard treatment of psoriasis.

Today light and colour therapy are making a major comeback as more and more people are looking for natural alternatives to treat not only mental and emotional disturbances but physical as well. Through home study courses available at Luna Holistic you too can take advantage of the power of colour through our Online Colour Therapy Complete Diploma Course.

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