What is crystal Therapy?

Published on 11 August, 2018 | Crystal Healing

Learn Crystal Therapy

An introduction to crystals

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This course is perfect for those whom would love to learn more about crystals and how they can be used for healing purposes. With crystal therapy becoming popular as a stand alone treatment or part of other holistic treatments such as energy healing – Reiki and Colour Therapy, its uses are many. Crystals can be used around the home to attract wealth and prosperity or to remove negative energy in rooms as taught in Feng shui and can also be used to benefit and promote health in both children, adults and animals. 

Doing a  Crystal Therapy Course will offer a good foundation for anyone wishing to offer their services as a professional Crystal Therapist.  Enjoying a career and making extra income doing something  you enjoy whilst helping others.

Once you have completed your studies in this subject you can enhance your career opportunities further by taking our Advanced Crystal Magic Course.

Tips on Choosing Crystals to Use

Once you have had an introduction into crystals you may then want to build a collection of your own stones. The best way to do this is to let the crystals choose you. Sounds a bit daft at first but you will be amazed at just how in tune you can become when selecting crystals.

Try walking round a crystal store or stall and take your time. You may actually feel the vibration of certain stones when you pick them up and if so this is a sure sign that it will have a good healing property for you to use. Your stone may feel cool to the touch or very hot, all great indicators of a good crystal match.  The only way to test this out is to go ahead and do it yourself.  Your love of crystals will develop over time and you will find that you have your own favourite crystal that you may use time and time again.

Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz

These are both excellent stones for the beginner and are the most used in crystal healing. Easy to come accross and not too expensive this would be by first choice to start my crystal collection with.

clearquartz  A crystal with a pointed end is known as a terminator crystal and is used by therapists to remove negative energies from clients and to help energy be directed. It has many uses and is an important piece of crystal equipment for the professional healer.





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