Why do we get ill?

Published on 6 May, 2014 | Holistic Therapy

Meanings of Symptoms from a Metaphysical Point of View

healing with holisticsWhy do we get ill? Continuing with the previous post “What does your illness really mean” In this post I will reveal some of the most common reasons from a Metaphysical point of view and  the reasons they occur.  Understand also that Reiki Healing can be used on any of the symptoms below and will offer very positive results. 


A concussion is something which shakes up your whole thinking. You are unable to hold your head upright because it will hurt.

Advice: You have been holding on to old ways of thinking and its now time to let these go. Let go of old ways and try to integrate more intuition into your life.


These are an indication of excessive tension. Other causes are excessive ambitiousness, striving for perfection. Being hard-headed or worrying about things.

Advice: You are living in your head too much. You need to regain your balance by following your inner feelings. Take your time and allow things to develop of their own accord. Accept without judging. By following this advise you will release the tension thus creating space for peace and joy.

Hair Problems

Hair problems in general – Your hair is a symbol of freedom, strength and power.  In earlier times hair was a sign of civic freedom, whereas short hair often signified that the power and freedom of the person in question had been cut back.  Remember the biblical story of Sampson?

Advise: If you are having problems with your hair then it is time to ask yourself what it is you really want to do in life regardless of what others are asking of you. You need to be true to yourself and develop a joy of living.

Eye Problems

As you may have heard many times the eyes are the windows to our souls. They receive impressions and reflect in turn what we perceive.

Advice: If you are suffering from eye problems you need to ask yourself what it is that you do not want to see and what are you actually closing your eyes too. Perfect clarity lies in the depths of your consciousness. Look within yourself before turning your eyes to the world and in this way you will be able to form a different perspective.

Sinus Problems

When you suffer from sinus problems this indicates that someone close to you is irritating you. Observe the way you react and accept it.


Earache – As is the case with all inflammatory processes, this complaint is caused by a conflict which is not being lived out.

Advice: Become aware of  the fact that we unconsciously attract external situations and persons who will teach us things we often refuse to learn by ourselves. Learn to listen and learn. Listen to you inner voice and follow its advice.

Hard of Hearing

Although this symptom occurs during advanced years, it often occurs in people who are rigid or inflexible. Like disease, old age brings out the truth, and problems which had not been solved earlier in life can make a reappearance.

Advice: Try to retain a more open and receptive mind as you grow older and start to listen to your own inner voice too and be open to all that comes your way.


When you suffer from Asthma, you take in a lot of air but have difficulty letting it out again. Because you give out so little, it is soon impossible for you to take in enough and your breathing capacity gets smaller and smaller.

Advice:  Do you hold onto anger? do you yearn for love but not give it out? Accept and integrate life in its wholeness, and learn to let go of helpless feelings. Become aware of what you have been rejecting and avoiding.

Heart Problems (in general)

In this case, as in so many others, expressions we use to describe things frequently indicates where the causes of heart symptoms lie, as when we talk of heartlessness, hard-heartedness, doing things half heartedly. These characteristics are usually the result of protracted emotional problems and lack of joy as well as rejection of life or a belief that life is a fight for survival.

Advice: Whoever recognizes these characteristics especially those with cardiac neurosis should listen to the message of his heart more closely. Ask yourself whether head and heart, intellect and your emotions are in balance.

Blood Problems (in general)

When you have problems with your blood, your body is showing you that joy is lacking in your life and that your ideas and thoughts cannot circulate freely.

Advice: Realise why you are unable to see the beauty around you? Give your thoughts the freedom to partake of the beauty of life and allow them to flow freely.

High Blood Pressure

This arises when you haven’t expressed your thoughts and emotions over a long period of time. You are constantly living on the brink of conflict, without coming to any kind of conclusion. This naturally puts you under continual pressure.

Advice:  Take a good look at your problems and what is annoying you. Feel your way into them and live them out without holding onto anything.  A conflict shows where you have to learn to let go. This way you will be able to let off a great deal of pressure and face your problems with renewed calmness. Reiki can help you in this process.


If you swallow your anger again and again, your gastric juices will become very acid in an unconscious attempt to give vent to your feelings, and the result will be heartburn.  Heartburn also creates a feeling of pressure which prevent the intake of further food.

Advice: You are sick and tired of swallowing whatever it is that annoys you.  Realise that there is a meaning to everything in life, including the way you react. Understanding this will give you a feeling of trust and security which will help you express your needs and anger more freely in the future.

See previous post – “What does your illness really mean”


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