Handling Stress

Published on 23 May, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

How to handle a stressful situation calmly

stress man

The clock is ticking, you have a pile of work on your desk, the phone is ringing, the kids are moaning, you should be in 5 different places at once and your boss thinks you have three pairs of hands and 6 ears.

While most of us are lucky enough to never have to deal with life- or- death situations, everyday situations can be every bit as stressful, especially if we are not really accustomed to dealing with them.

Learning how to remain calm in stressful situations will help make things run a lot more smoothly, it will also eventually lead to a healthier, happier life,

Firstly you have to Identify the true cause of your stress, is it really because your children haven’t tidied there room and your partner forgot to put the rubbish out “again” or is it because of that presentation that has to be handed in to your boss this morning, take the time to think for a moment and figure out what it is that’s really bothering you.

Then you need to choose your response, does it really matter? Who is actually going to care that your kid’s rooms aren’t tidy, they can do it when they get home? The bin is out now! You need to try and consider how long the source of your stress will affect you, It’s usually a build-up of the small stuff that causes these stressful situations and some of it smaller than others, Your life is precious, so don’t let the small things interfere with the more important things in your life.  We cannot always choose what happens to us, but in principle we can choose how we respond to it. In practice it is not always easy, we need to learn how to be resilient, and how to let go.

So Is the source of stress in the past, present or future, remember you can’t change the past, you can of course respond to the present and prepare yourself for the future. If it’s in the past then let it go.

10 quick and easy tips to relieve stress.

stressfree zone

1)      Learn to say “NO”

This is the one I always find so difficult yet so liberating when I have said it, practice in the mirror saying “NO”  No I don’t really want to come out with you on Saturday, “No” thank you I do not want to help out at the summer fate, “NO” I would not like to do over time.


2)      Breathe Deep


When we are stressed we tend to take quick shallow breaths, This can then lead to anxiety and hyperventilation, There are plenty of breathing techniques that you can learn to do anywhere and at any time.



3)      Exercise


Another favourite of mine, Physical activity is a great way to let off some steam, Exercising releases endorphins which boost your energy levels and counteract stress hormones, whether it is walking the dog, dancing ,an evening walk around the park or a gym workout exercise is a great way to relieve stress.


4)      Learn to switch off


When driving home from the office at the end of the day you could perhaps choose a certain area and when you get to that area you switch your work brain and your phone off, unless you are on call there’s rarely anything that cannot wait to be solved the next day after a good night’s sleep and a renewed perspective. Which leads me to number 5?



 5)      Get a good night’s sleep


One of the side effects of stress is insomnia, so turn off the TV, have a nice warm bath, read a book, or listen to music before bedtime, If you find that things do keep popping into your head then perhaps you could keep a little notebook by the side of your bed and write them down , that way all those little things that are popping into your head won’t play on your mind whilst your asleep, this is also great to write down any unusual dreams.


6)      Plan ahead


Time management is a must, make a list of to do’s and cross completed items off as you go along, this will help you become more organised and feel a sense of accomplishment, It is all in the planning.



7)      Be positive


Changing your viewpoint may help you see things from a more positive angle, take a step back and ask yourself is this something I really need to be worrying about, Most stressful situations are simply a matter of how you perceive them.


8)      Learn to meditate


Meditation can wipe away the days stress, by spending just a few minutes in meditation every day you can restore your calm and inner peace The benefits of meditation don’t end when your session ends, meditation can carry you more calmly through your whole day and can improve some medical conditions such as anxiety disorders, fatigue, depression, heart disease and sleep problems.


9)      Carry or wear  a crystal

crystal in hand

It is highly beneficial to keep crystals within your auric field, By Wearing the healing crystals as jewellery is an excellent way to relieve stress… as this means that their stress relief energy is available throughout the day.

The Top 6 crystals for stress relief

1)      Clear quartz – this is perfect for physical stress relief

2)      Citrine – This will help if you are having financial stress

3)      Lepidolite – perfect for emotional stress’s

4)      Muscovite – For nervous stress

5)      Rose Quartz  – This is useful if one is having relationship stresses,

6)      Amethyst – This is a great one for all round stress relief


10)   Laugh


Laughing is the best medicine, it is a powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict, It helps lighten your burdens and inspire your hopes The sound of someone laughing is far more contagious than a cough, sniffle or sneeze, so share your laughter, laughing helps bind people together and it will increase your happiness, Laughter protects the heart, by improving the function of blood vessels and increases the blood flow, and it can boost the immune system, A good hearty laugh can relieve physical tension and stress leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.  So release your inhibitions, let go of your defences, be more spontaneous and have some fun. Laugh it off and be stress free.

Source: Lisa Elsworth

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