What happens when you have a Hopi Ear Treatment?

Published on 16 March, 2016 | Case Studies

 Hopi Ear Candling Treatment

Hopi Consultation Case Study



Client Background:

The client is a 36 year old male.

He works full time as an HR Manager.

Lives with his wife and 4 year old daughter.

Enjoying swimming, walking in the New Forest and cooking.

Non smoker and tends to only drink moderate levels of alcohol at the weekends.

Client has a healthy diet and sleeps well.

The client has suffered with tinnitus for the past two years. He has sought treatment from his GP but his symptoms have remained the same – constant ringing in both ears.

This is the client’s first Hopi Ear candling treatment and wishes to see if regular treatments will help with the tinnitus symptoms.


As this was the clients first experience of Hopi Ear candling, the whole treatment process was explain and the candles was shown to the client.

I explained how long the treatment would take from start to finish and asked the client if he had any questions before we began.

The client expressed concern regarding debris from the candle and asked if any would fall onto him during the treatment.

I explained to the client that I would be using a face cloth around the candle to protect the client from candle debris and demonstrate how the candle is inserted onto a hole in the face cloth before being inserted in the ear. I also mentioned that when the candle is first lit, a crackling noises may be heard which is perfectly normal.

I advised the client that after each candle is removed, I would perform a lymphatic massage to the face with the aim to remove toxins and bacteria whilst delivering nutrients, oxygen and other necessities to the tissues.

We discussed the Treatment Card the client had just completed.

The client suffers with tinnitus so we spoke about his main symptoms and any triggers that he may be aware of.

The main trigger identified by the client was stress.

Client has a high pressured job and has linked high levels of stress to an increase in his tinnitus symptoms.

We discussed ways to manage this stress including regular massage treatments and taking breaks from his computer.

There were no other issues identified from the Treatment Card.

The client is not taking any medication and has no allergies.

I examined both the client’s ears and there were no signs of infection, inflammation or excess ear wax.

I then asked the client if he was happy to proceed with the treatment in which he replied he was happy to do so.


I will be performing the treatment at my home where I have set up a massage table in a quiet room.

The room is a suitable temperature and soft relaxation music will play for the duration of the treatment.

A relaxing environment has been created with soft lighting and lightly scented candles.

A glass of water is close to hand to extinguish the burning candles after use.

Also a fresh glass of water is available for the client after the treatment.

I ask the client to lie on the massage couch on his left side.

A pillow is placed under his head to offer support and comfort during the treatment.

A face cloth with a hole for the candle is placed over the side of the clients head for protection from any burning debris.

hopi candles

I choose to use Biosun Hopi candles for my treatment as these have been recommended as one of the safest candles to use and a better quality than some of the cheaper brands.

Each candle has been marked with an L and R for each ear.


The R candle is gently inserted into the clients ear and twisted slightly to ensure that it is secure and in the correct position.

Whilst holding the positioned candle in a vertical position, the candle is then lit.

I continue to hold the candle between my fingers with one hand cupped over the ear.


As mentioned to the client in our consultation earlier, a cracking noise started and I reassured the client again that this was normal.


I allowed the candle to burn down to the indicated red line. The candle was then removed from the ear and extinguished in the glass of water that I had by my side.

Once extinguished, I placed the remained of the candle to one side so I could examine after the treatment.

The protective face cloth was removed and the outer ear was gently cleaned using a clean cotton wool pad, ensuring that no wax or debris was pushed into the ear canal.

I asked the client to lie on his back so I can perform the lymphatic massage as explained in our consultation earlier.

I continue with the massage using the pads of my thumbs to drain up from between the eyes to the hairline.

Pumping across the eyebrows from the centre to the sides of the face then stroking up and down on the front, back and lobes of the ears.

I then stroke from the middle of the jaw to the sides of the jaw and down towards the collar bone.

I repeat this 4 times.

I then ask the client to turn onto her other side where I repeat the above process using the other candle. Once the candle has been extinguished, it was placed to one side as before.

Once the treatment and the lymphatic massage have been completed, I ask the client to relax for 10 minutes on the massage couch where I offer a gentle arm, hand and shoulder massage.

After this time has past, I ask the client to sit up very slowly and remain seated until he feels ready to move to the side of the massage couch.


Once the client felt able to sit, he was given a glass of water in order to rehydrate.

I advised the client to continue to drink plenty of water for the rest of the day in order to help with the removal of any toxins.

The remains of the two candles were then dipped in water and opened up so I would examine the contents.


Both candles had successfully removed a large amount of ear wax from both ears.

The client stated that he felt he could hear a lot clearer and was very relaxed after the treatment.


He was surprised by how much wax was removed and showing in the candles.

To maintain, I recommended the client should repeat this treatment on a monthly basis and monitor his tinnitus symptoms over the next few weeks.

If he finds this treatment has helped with his tinnitus symptoms, we would review this treatment sessions and their frequency.

The client was very happy with the treatment and the aftercare advice offered.

He would be happy to continue this treatment and is keen to see how/if it affects his condition.


Details of this treatment were recorded on file for future reference together with the Treatment/Consultation Card.

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