How mediums contact the dead

Published on 24 February, 2013 | Psychic & Spiritual

How do Mediums Contact The Dead

A medium develops a fine state of sensitivity to etheric vibrations, and who places his or her gifts at the service of humanity, works to a very definite plan. A guardian is placed in charge of his, or her, psychic development, and this guardian (or guide) interpenetrates the aura of the medium with his own vibratory force until the aura becomes double sensitive and quickly responsive to all super-sensual vibrations. He then transmits through the aura information concerning the discarnate soul who desire to contact their friends and relatives who are still tied to a physical body.
contact the dead
In the head of every person are two glands, know as the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. In some people these glands are active and in some they are dormant; in some people they are fitfully active, but upon them depend the faculties of clear-seeing and clear-hearing. The pineal gland gives the power of registering the vibrations of the supernal world in the form of vision and the pituitary gland of registering the vibrations in the form of sound, and thus when the discarnate guardian projects his information into the aura of the medium, one of these two centres will respond and the medium will either see a vision or hear a voice.

Psychic communion is not the easy matter many people  imagine it to be; the slightest impression registered by the human brain has possibly been conveyed by an intricate process from the supernatural world, but many marvellous things have been brought about by it. The hopeless have been given encouragement; the would-be suicide has retained his life; the sorrowful have been made glad, and in the future, I think man’s salvation from his own greedy madness will be by the conscious use of this same power, through which he will be guided wisely to wield the affairs of nations with the help of great discarnate statesmen.

He will then be led to guard against war, epidemic and calamity, for the ramifications of mediumship extend from mere fortune-tellingto the powers of prophecy; from curing a cut finger to reading in the book of nature the cure and prevention of diseases such as cancer, bubonic plague, tuberculosis and sleeping-sickness.

At this time there are hundred of groups and organisations scattered over the world, most of which will aid anyone who so desires, to develop the psychic powers lying latent in their personality. There is nothing very mysterious about this process. The would-be medium is expected to sit with with a group of people among whom there will be one, at least, who is a developed medium. They sit in chairs placed in a circular fashion round the room, so that if their hands are joined each person is in contact with the other and their auras will correspondingly interpenetrate.

The medium in charge, as we know, has an aura already sensitized by the guardian, and this same guide now transmits his power into the aura of the medium and it is then transmitted through the contact of his hands to the sitters on either side, whose auras become charged with as much of this power as they are able to receive; they are also in contact with the other sitters and some of the power is transmitted through their hands until it has penetrated the whole of the circle, and for the time being should have the effect of sensitizing, in a greater or lesser degree, the auras of the sitters concerned. If any of these sitters have glands which are at all active, they should be able to register some of the sights or sounds of the supernatural world.

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