How to choose a Crystal

Published on 1 June, 2019 | crystals

choosing a crystal


crystal in hand

Choosing the correct crystal can make all the difference. If you are drawn to certain gemstones then the chances are this particular stone will be trying to tell you something. For instance if you are drawn to a lovely piece of rose quartz, it could be that you are in need of some emotional healing and may find wearing or having some rose quartz near you will help. If you are a crystal therapist then it will be quite essential to get a crystal bible even if you are just starting your journey into this therapy and healing this is a must have.



3 Tips for choosing the right Crystal for you

Tip 1. – When choosing your crystal take time to not just look at the colour but to actually feel the energy vibrations from the the stone.

Tip 2. – Using your intuition take hold of the crystal, close your eyes and take note of any feelings this particular stone has for you.

Tip 3. – If you do not have any feelings but just feel you are drawn to the colour, shape or size of this particular stone, you may find it will be of use to you at a later date.



bowl of crystals


Its nice to have a bowl of crystals so that you can select a stone each day. Put it in your pocket, or next to your bed and after a few days, ensure the stone is washed under running water to cleanse. Once its work is done you can put back in the bowl and when you feel its time to choose another do exactly the same. More Crystal tips can be found in our Holistic Student Library.

Why do we use crystals?

Crystals are here to teach and serve us, but their energy lies dormant until we awaken their elemental consciousness with unconditional love. The mineral, plant and most of the animal kingdom, are bound by group consciousness. The elementals need to be directed and therefore a crystal or gemstone needs to be programmed to serve. If you want to learn more about how crystals work then our guide to crystal therapy diploma course is perfect and is now on special offer.

Why not try this stone – Howlite – Polished Tumble Stone Crystal

  • Reduce Anxiety
  • Relieve Stress
  • Relieves Muscle tension
  • Aids Sleep

This is a great stone for students –  Buy your Howlite Crystal

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