Human Aura Part 8 – healers

Published on 2 September, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

The Metaphysical Healer

handsonhealingIn part 7 we discussed disease and the aura plus the difference between surgery and conventional methods of healing. In this part we will discuss metaphysical healing which has been shown to yeild some amazing results in the human aura. 

Certain persons have been found whose radiations are of a slightly different nature to that of the ordinary person, and disease, on coming into the area of their magnetism, becomes transmuted into health. The Spiritualist healers have performed, and still are performing, amazing cures, merely by holding their hands in the area of the aura and transmitting this curative power. By touch and by prayer this great work goes forward.

Observing Natural Healers

It is interesting to watch such ahealer at work on a tumor or cancer, when, by certain movements of their hands in the area of the disease, the fungi-like mass of vibration becomes temporarily broken-up and dispersed into the main area of the aura, or in some cases is drawn out, by magnetic attraction, to the hands of the healer. This has a weakening effect upon the growth, and no doubt, in course of time, deprives it of life. There are countless authentic instances of cancer cures in the annals of the Spiritualist movement.

How these healers cure?

In diseases of exhaustion, such as nervous prostration, tuberculosis, etc, the aura of the patient appears to sop up the healing vibrations, as a damp sponge may absorb water, and a corresponding brightening of the electrical field can be observed. It appears that even as the physical body radiates electricity, so also can it absorb it, either from another person from such natural sources as sun, air or water, or from machines manufactured fro its transmission.  From various data the fact emerges that the human healer appears to radiate a power which is different from any other power, since cures by such means are recorded n which ordinary electrical treatment had failed to secure satisfactory results. We must therefore, conclude that human electricity is a thing entirely individual to each man and woman.

Spiritual Healers – Mediums


There is another aspect of Spiritualistic healing which must receive our consideration. In many cases the cures are attributed to the power brought by discarnate personalities known as guides, who transmit their own electrical radiations through the aura and the hands of the medium. It is interesting to watch the aura of a healer who works in this manner. In many cases the guide (the name for a discarnate personality) stands at a distance from the medium and projects what appears as rays from his own person. These rays strike the aura of the medium, causing it to acquire a new brilliancy of colouring and to increase in size. When the healer places his hands in the aura of the patient, these same rays become focused into his hands and for a few minutes the patient, the healer and the guide are linked into a unity by the waves of dazzling light which pass from one to another with incredible rapidity.

dr_usui_color300Dr. Mikao Usui – Reiki Master and Healer 

Absent healing, or healing by prayer, a similar process comes into operation. the healer concentrates his thought upon the patient, which creates a wave of electrical vibration between them both, and along this vibration healing power may be transmitted in a similar manner to that accomplished by touch, or laying of hands. Reiki healing is fast becoming one of the most popular and recognized forms of healing and is now even used in some hospitals, nursing homes and hospices throughout Europe.

In part 9 we will cover the subject of Psychic Phenomena

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