Life Coaching Consultation

Published on 16 May, 2016 | Case Studies

Offering a Life Coaching Consultation:


life coaching consultation case studies

I started the session by thanking C.P for coming along and taking part in a Case Study for Life Coach. Explaining Life Coaching identifies areas for change, brainstorm possibilities, look at removing obstacles, and identify a goal(s). An overview of paperwork involved was explained i.e. Treatment Card; – Health and Life area Assessment; VAK Exercise; Sun Dial; Well Informed Outcome Questionnaire; Use of the STEPPA model, and Well Informed Outcomes checklist.
Prior to starting the session I asked C.P if she felt okay completing a ‘Health Questionnaire’ which would highlight current health condition and prescribed medication. C.P was happy to complete this. I introduced ‘The Contract’ asking her to read and sign if she agreed with the conditions in the contract in terms of: Respect, Honesty, Non-judgement, Timing and Confidentiality. C.P had a look over the paperwork and was happy to complete and sign. This was a good starting point to build rapport. I then asked C.P to tell me where she was in her life just now, and to give me an insight as to what her goal in life is?
Client is a young woman who lives with her partner and four dogs, is happy in her relationship and financially comfortable. She currently works as an ‘Assistant Manager’ in the make-up industry. She has worked for her employer for the past five years. For the past two years she has wanted to work for herself, her belief system is that she never done well with her grades at school, thus feels she isn’t intelligent enough, as much as she wants her own business the unknown frightens, the fear of failure is a big factor, and worries she will end up with no job, thus has stayed in her position. Her goal in life is to work Self-employed as a Make-up Artist., she feels unhappy working for her employer, and feels if she doesn’t take action now she will never do it. I reflected words back such as ‘Not Intelligent enough’ this gave her time to think, while I sat in silence, she said ‘well sometimes I think I need more qualifications to start a business’ I stated ‘this is your belief system, but you don’t have to have more qualifications to start your own business, it’s about looking at all resource available to you’ C.P sat deep in thought. I took the opportunity to summarise and clarify my understanding of what was said. C.P confirmed my understanding. I stated ‘It looks like you are in your comfort zone and frightened of change?’ she stated ‘I have been feeling stuck in this situation for a long time, and yes I feel frightened, but at the same time I know it’s what I need’. I suggested we move forward and look at ways to break down these barriers, and set some realistic goals. C.P was eager to get started.

V.A.K Exercise.


This highlighted that C.P’ representational system is visual. C.P stated, she could see the whole picture in her mind’s eye, as she put it. I asked her to sit and close her eyes and see in her mind’s eye how things were looking in her workplace, opening her eyes, she laughed and said ‘Awful, the thought of going there everyday stresses me out’ asking her to close her eyes and see the bigger picture, see herself working for herself, and see the bigger picture?, she opened her eyes stating ‘Yeah I can see myself in a place of my own, working for myself, it makes me happy’ I stated that the following task would highlight what’s really important right now, then we will look at ways in how to achieve this.

Health & Life Area Assessment
Overall C.P’s scoring was mid-way on all her Health Assessment scoring 5’s. Her scoring of 1 was her Career/Job. She wasn’t surprised at this, and felt that change was greatly needed.

Sun Dial

Explaining to C.P how the Sun Dial works I asked her to write her goal into the circle, smiling she took the pen and marked her desired goal – Own Business in the Make-up, at the same time stating ‘I will be surprised if this helps me’ I stated ‘I think you will find that it will help remove obstacles, and help you see the way forward more positively. I asked her to think about what she needs to do to get this? Where she could get information, how will she get it? what resource will she need? C.P took the time to think about all of the above question, talking to me as she wrote round the dial. I could see she was looking for my permission prior to writing I stated ‘write down everything that comes into your head, and we will take it from there’. Mirroring her body language, keeping good eye contact made me feel I was in the moment it her. C.P.

• Contact Business Gateway for Advice
• Compile Business Plan
• Query funding
• See Bank Manager
• Query the cost of premises
• Look at suppliers for stock and the cost
• Look at having a Website set up and the cost
• Register as Self-employed through HMRC
• Advertising
• Stationary
• Business Cards
• Staff
• Market Research
• Further Training

C.P felt that’s all she could think of right now. Actively listening I asked an open question ‘Can you see your goal clearly now’ she stated ‘Yes, I can, and I feel excited about it now, it makes me realise how much I want it’ I stating ‘You look excited, with a smile’ C.P sat upright and appeared to be attentive, and appeared motivated. I stated ‘It’s a big goal, do you still want this? She stated ‘Yes’ I asked ‘Is there anything else apart from Education, fear, and failure standing in your way of having this? She stated ‘No, I have a supportive partner who works self-employed, I will need support, understanding and encouragement if I’m to do this’ I asked ‘How will you get that?’ she stated ‘I will talk everything through with my partner, and share my fears of failure, and asked if he can be patient with me’ I stated that this was the right attitude to have. I asked if she was ready to move to the next stage, and suggested we look at breaking her goal down into smaller parts. C.P. had no issues with this.


SPECIFIC: C.P felt this was a big goal, but feels it necessary now, if she was to continue in her current workplace she could see herself leaving her post. It’s specific as it’s been a thought for the past two years, she now wants it to come to fruition with the guidance and support of external agencies, and her partner.
TARGET: C.P agreed that a monthly ‘Action Plan’ would be helpful. Because it’s a big goal, and looking to the future in her personal development, she can see that it will be necessary to complete an Action Plan for the next 12 months, as she understands that’s this will not happen overnight. She is happy to complete a 5 year Action Plan in order she can monitor her progress.
EMOTION: A rating of 10 highlighted she is fully committed and motivated.
PERCEPTION/PLAN: She feels positive about her own financial status, but sees herself being confident enough to pursue the right people for guidance. She sees the Action Plan’s as a useful tool to keep her focus.
PACE: CP. Will take part of her possibilities into her monthly Action Plan to help her get started. She sees it to be important to have realistic measurable goal.
ADAPT/ACTION: C.P feels she will adapt to change very quickly, and become more motivated once she has arranged meeting with all agencies, and looked at all resource available to her. The Action Plan’s will keep her focused.

Well Formed Outcome Exercise\Questionnaire

Her goal being specific, she feels it measurable, to achieve she will need support and encouragement from her partner, and look at setting her goal over a period of one month. She feels her confidence will grow as she takes each step, and that she will feel fulfilled when she has her desired goal. She feels others around her will benefit not just from her positive mind set, but her financial gain will bring extra money into the household once she has established herself. I asked her ‘On a scale of 0-10 how much do you want this now?’ C.P. stated that she would say a scale of ten.

One Month Goal Setting Action Plan



• Contact Business Gateway on Monday, 4th April
• Research: How to Register as Self-employed through HMRC by Friday 8th April
• Cost a Website by Monday 11th April
• Look at available premises and cost by Friday, 15th April
• Look at suppliers and cost stock by Friday 22nd April
• Cost of Advertising, Stationary, and Business Cards By Friday 29th April


• Book a meal for her and her partner on 29th April to celebrate her achievements.

One Month Goal Setting Action Plan



• Do Market Research in the Make-up industry by 7th May
• Meet with Bank Manager by 7th May
• Query Staff Pay by 14th May
• Complete Business Plan by 31st May.

Book a Spa day on the 27th for myself and friends.

12 Month Goal


• Further Training January, 2017
• Complete home study by March, 2017
• Set up premises by end of April, 2017


Book a holiday for partner and I mid Aprilnext year

2-5 Year Goal


Have Own Business

Move Home

Get Married

End of Session: I ended the session by asking her ‘How will you feel when you get your goal?’ C.P stated ‘It will be a dream come true, and I will feel I have succeeded having risen above my fears’. Letting her know we were now at the end of the session, giving constructive feedback on all points covered, and stated how well she had done to work through her session, and highlighted the progress she had made with the tools provided. I highlighted that I felt she showed great strength and determination to succeed, and I believed she had the will power to succeed. Reminding her not to be too hard on herself. I asked her permission to call her at the end of the month to see if she had worked within her agreement. C.P. stated that this was fine. Before leaving I gave her permission to call me if she should become stuck. I felt the session went well in terms of helping C.P. see the way forward, and felt the relationship developed as we worked through each stage.

Goal Document:

Follow up telephoned call to C.P on Friday 6th May, 2016 she confirmed that she has since met with Business Gateway, she now has to complete her Business Plan, which is under way for the 31st May. This she feels will take a lot of work and thought, she has achieved all her agreements for her one month goal for April, she is now working on her goals for May, 2016. I gave her appraisal for all her efforts. We have arranged another meeting for the end of May. 2016.

Clients Feedback:

‘This process has helped me believe in myself that anything is possible, it gave me structure and helped me to focus on my agreements in my Action Plan. It has made me feel positive about my future goals, now I have a good idea of what I need to do if I lose focus. I never realised how important it was to set goals until I took this session with Angelica. She is a motivational speaker, and encourages you to explore all areas in depth. I felt comfortable in her presence, and sensed a warm, kind caring person who want you to achieve and succeed’


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