Reflexology Case Study

Published on 20 January, 2014 | Case Studies


treatment_room (1)

Casestudy of: Female aged 29 years old

Time started:   16:30                                   Time finished: 17:50

Details of treatment


Case study of Female aged 29 years of age and treatment started at 16.30 and finished at 17.50.  Course studied Luna Holistics Reflexology Diploma Course

When my client arrived, I had everything ready to start the treatment. The first thing I did was to give offer a treatment card for her to complete and some water. Then I read it with her and I asked her more about her problems. (According to her answers)

She did had have many problems with her kidneys but she told me she was fine at the moment. Apparently, for her it is very common to get urine infections since she was three years old. Then I made her put the feet into my foot massager ( for about 10 minutes aprox) (Electric with bubbles that you fill up with water). I added a blend of sweet almond oil, Lemongrass essential oil (good for circulation and infections on the feet) lavender (good for relaxing) and cypress (good for circulation and with deodorant properties) plus rose petals. At this stage, I had relaxing music on, very soft light and my massage table ready. After ten minutes, I dry her feet and asked her to move to the massage table. She was lying face up with her legs higher than the rest of her body (to improve circulation  while treatment) and I covered her with blankets and made sure she was feeling comfortable.

foot massageI was sitting in a chair at the bottom of the table, making sure I was also comfortable. Then, I started relaxing both feet with relaxing techniques. 

Inner energy breathing: With my hands on her solar plexus on both of her feet I asked her to take a deep breath for five seconds while I was making small circles on this reflex area. Then I told her to hold her breath for five seconds, then I asked her to breathe out for five seconds while I was reducing pressure. I did it four times, concentrating on my own breath as well.

Angel’s touch: starting on her right foot, moving my hands up her leg and down with medium pressure. I did it for about a minute in both feet.

Apollo’s breath: First on her right foot, then on the left.  Applying a bit more of pressure, I did 5 times in each foot.

Atlas’s orb: While I was supporting her right foot with one hand, I started rotating her foot with clockwise movements and after anticlockwise, making big circles. (about 30 seconds on each foot)

Poseidon’s pull: With my index finger on the dorsal aspect and my thumb on the plantar aspect I rocked upward in between the toes. Then I moved my fingers downwards applying a bit more pressure. I did this in between every toe and then I moved to the left foot (about 30 seconds on each foot)

Healing tornado: I covered the whole foot with large circles while I was supporting her foot. I used medium pressure and I realized this movement five times in each foot. ( It is true that your hands become hot at this point). Then I moved to her left foot and did the same.

Toe rotation: Supporting her foot (right first) and starting on the big toe I made small circles, clockwise and then anticlockwise in every toe. Then the same on her left foot.

Hermes sretch: gently stretching her Achilles tendon while supporting her foot with the other hand. (about 30 seconds on each foot)

Phoenix rising: With my hands on both sides of her foot, I rolled my hands from the top of the foot to the bottom and then to the top again. (five times on each foot).

Then, I covered her left foot and started stretching the right foot while spreading a bit of oil of the same blend I had used on the water of the electric feet massager, ending in the head reflex area. With my thumb I walked up from the neckline to the top of the big toe.

Then, I walked along the big toe six times with my thumb. Then, with my big toe I walked horizontally (3 times) just below her big toe nail and another three times just below her big toe’s join to work the teeth and jaw reflex area.

After that, I pressed on the throat reflex point and I did small circles for about 10/12 seconds. And then I moved my finger to the occipital reflex point where I placed my thumb and hooked into it for about 10 seconds. Then, I moved to the inner reflex point and hooked again for another 10 seconds.

Then I moved to the sinus reflex area and walked up every toe and also the lateral aspect from the second toe. (twice in every toe). I moved to the eye/ ear general reflex area and walked with my thumb along it from under the base of the second toe until the fifth toe. Then I worked the eye reflex point, the Eustachian tube reflex point ant the outer ear reflex point with hooking movements, applying pressure towards her big toe (about 6 seconds en every point).

Then I moved to her shoulder reflex point using the rocking technique for about six seconds as well.

Then I moved to the diaphragm reflex point, worked on it with slow and small steps about 4 times.

Then I worked the thyroid reflex area (ball of the foot) I did this movement for about six times and I found many crystals in this area. I could feel like tiny balls under the skin of her foot in this area.

Then I worked on the glands of her big toe: Hooking with medium pressure I worked first on the pituitary, then on the hypothalamus, pineal and also on her thymus and tonsils reflex points. Then I moved to her parathyroid reflex point and I pinched this section of the skin between her first and second toe. After that I walked up with my thumb the oesophagus reflex area four times.

Then I moved to the lung area, working from the diaphragm line working in between her metatarsals and I asked her to breathe in and out slowly. (twice)

coloured reflexology zonesThen I moved my thumb just under the ball of her foot to work on the stomach reflex point. (4 times). Then I placed my thumb on the hiatus reflex point and made small circles for about 12 seconds. I did the same on the pancreas reflex point and the gall bladder reflex point, then, I moved to the liver reflex area and walked through it slowly and precisely with horizontal movements across her foot (twice)

At this point, I covered her right foot and moved to her left food. Personally, I like to work on the digestive system at the same time, so before continuing on the right foot, I moved to the left and repeated every step from head reflex point to the hiatus hernia point. However, because it was the left foot I made sure I was also working on her heart reflex point, stimulating also her fourth and fifth toes.

So after repeating every step I ended up in the spleen reflex area and I worked through it horizontally (twice). Then, I covered the left foot and went back to the right foot.

Now, I started working on her digestive system somehow working on both feet at the same time when it comes to work on the colon.

First, I worked on the appendix reflex point, ileocaecal valves on her right foot pressing with my thumb on this point while making small circles for about 6 seconds. From the ileocaecal valve I used my left thumb to walk up all zone fourth until I reached the hepatic flexure point where I hooked my thumb for about 6 seconds and continuing with my thumb walking through all the transverse colon reflex area. At this stage, I jumped from right to left foot while covering her right foot. I stayed on her left foot and stimulate also the sigmoid colon reflex area with my thumb in the medial aspect of her foot just above the redness of her heel until zone fourth. (I found crystals here too, and I could feel like something crushing under her skin). After working this area for about a minute because all the crystals I found, I moved to the sigmoid flexure reflex point hooking it for about six seconds. Then I continued walking all the area of the descending colon twice and I stopped at her splenic flexure reflex point and hooked it for about six seconds too. Then undercover her right foot and work the small intestine reflex area on both feet at the same time from zone one to fourth walking horizontally with my thumbs until the redness of her heels. I did it 4 times on both feet. √

Then I covered her left foot and went back to her right, continuing the massage from the sciatic reflex area, walking horizontally from zone one to five and backwards again for about five times. Then moving to the medial side of her foot I worked in the uterus reflex area with my index finger, pushing gently and making small circles for about ten seconds. After that, I worked in the lymphatic area on both sides of her anklebone for about ten seconds. Then I walked the lateral side of the foot with my index finger on her ovary reflex point where I did gentle small circles for ten seconds and then I also use my index finger to walk from the lateral to the medial aspect of the foot (from ankle bone to ankle bone to work the Fallopian tube reflex area. Then, I massage for a bit her calf muscle with both hands with upwards movement until her knee. Then I worked for a bit on her Achilles tendon to stimulate the rectum reflex point. After that, I made small circles for about six seconds on her wrist, elbow, knee and hip reflex points, ending on her lower back, the sacrum reflex area where I use my finger to work with the rocking technique for about ten seconds. Then I moved to the spine reflex area and started working from the cervical vertebrae reflex area bearing in mind that every step represents one vertebra I counted seven while making small circles on them. Then I did the same for the thoracic vertebrae reflex area counting 12 now and repeat both steps five times. I went back to the sacrum reflex area and worked again on it for ten seconds. Then I walked around the navicular bone, taking five steps up to the dip of her ankle bone with small circles. Then I ended up at the coccyx reflex point  and made large circles. Then I went back with my thumb to her bladder reflex area and I started working on the urinary system.

Personally, I do like to end up my massage with the urinary system. I think that if we are stimulating every organ, gland etc to get rid of toxins is good to end up the treatment helping the urinary system to do that.

So, from her bladder reflex area I used my thumb to fan out over the soft area on the medial aspect of her foot until I reached the spinal reflex area. I worked in this area six times returning always at the point I had started from. I found so many crystals here so I kept working on this area for about 2 more minutes. Then I walked slowly up her tendon (ureter tube reflex area) and I found so many tiny balls, like sand under her skin in here so I kept working this area for about two minutes too. After that, I moved to the kidney/adrenal reflex area where she could feel pain so I worked here with very gentle pressure using both thumbs. I also found crystals in this area and while pressing for six seconds with my thumbs I asked her to breath in slowly, hold her breath for five second and exhale slowly while I was reducing the pressure. I did for six times and after that I asked how she felt that area and she said she could feel like less pressure on it. After working on her kidneys I worked both lymphatic reflex areas (groin and upper area). Then, I made gentle, large circles on her breast reflex area and I did one more time all of the relaxation techniques on her right foot. After that I covered her right foot and went back to her left foot to repeat every step from the sciatic reflex point to the relaxation techniques and closed the treatment realizing inner energy breathing on both feet again.

After that, I put the rest of the oil on her feet and covered them, then, I got some water for her. I told her she could stay on the room for as long as she wanted and I left the room. While I was talking,

She had bathroom break.

When she came back, before I asked her she told me that it was such a great feeling walking after the massage. I told her where I had found most crystals and the areas that they represented. Confirming her problems with urinary and kidney infections. I told her that she should drink lots of water to help her body clean the urinary system and that perhaps it was a good idea to go to her GP to find out her hormonal level or if she was having any urinary infection at the moment. I also told her that drinking herbs like: cranberry, buchu root, golden seal, cornsilk, lemongrass could help to boost her urinary system. I advised to drink plenty of water for the rest of the day, the day after and in general. I told her also about the healing crisis (just in case) and explain to her that she could experiment some headache that day or the day after.

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