Reiki Healing

Published on 16 October, 2013 | Holistic Therapy

Treating Your Client With Reiki


  • It is nice to clear the room with incense or smudging, have dim lighting and play some relaxing soft music when doing a Reiki treatment.
  • Stand at your client’s head and assume Kanji 1 and or/Kanji 2 to centre yourself. Make sure to connect to the earth and ground yourself first.
  • Move to the person’s side and rub your hands to generate energy and warmth.
  • Ask to turn the outcome over to the highest good. The practitioner makes connection to spirit then asks the client to call on Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Universe, or God.
  • Ask to be surrounded in light and protection.
  • Ask for healing on all levels (mental, emotional, spiritual and physical)
  • Assume the first treatment position on the head and proceed through all positions, spending 3-5 minutes on each position.
  • Say to yourself “Reiki On” when you touch your client for the first time. (This is optional but it works well for many people).
  • Use your guidance. Let your hands guide you. When the energy smoothes out and /or the heat stops, move your hands to the next position.
  • Add positions if you are guided to. For example, some larger people may need more positions.
  • It is nice (and grounding) to end the session on the client’s feet.
  • You may want to silently ask that the healing be used for all beings everywhere, or some other prayer of healing. Thank your guides and ask the client to thank theirs at the end of the treatment.
  • When the treatment is complete, suggest your client take their time getting off the table, and offer them some water (this helps to flush toxins from the body).
  • Wash your hands and make sure you have energetically disconnected from your client.


Treating Specific Areas

If time permits, treat the entire body first and then go back to the specific area of need. Put your left hand on the problem area, with right hand on top.

Remove your hands when the heat, tingling, or energy sensation stops.

Energy Not Flowing

Gently lift your hands from the client’s body then return your hands to the area you were treating.

It is possible that that particular area does not need the energy.

It is possible that the person is sub-consciously ‘resisting’ the energy.



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