Using Colour Therapy with Animals

Published on 28 June, 2013 | Case Studies

Case Study: Colour Therapy Diploma Course

Case study of: Goat called Angel – 1 hour old
Date: March 2nd 2013
Time started: 08.30 Time finished: 22.30
Details of treatment

Color therapy and animals

This case study may be a little unusual as I have a Hobby Farm.
One of our goats gave birth to 3 kids which is very unusual. Only one survived and due to the shock, the mother was not feeding her kid. I bought the kid indoors and covered her in a green silk scarf for the shock and anxiety.
I placed a rose quartz near her and put a red light on her feet to help with the coldness.
After about 30 minutes of using the green silk scarf, I gave her a bottle of milk which she was not very interested in. She was very weak and lethargic.
I covered her in an orange silk scarf to help stimulate her appetite and help with her immune system.
I put some marjoram in a aromatherapy burner for its soothing qualities.
After leaving the orange silk scarf on for about 20 minutes I tried feeding her again. This time she tucked in to the bottle and really began to perk up.
I put some chamomile in the aromatherapy burner that night to help her relax and sleep.
In the morning I placed the orange silk scarf on her again for another 20 minutes before feeding her. Again, once the orange silk scarf was taken off, she tucked into her bottle of milk.
I continued using the orange silk scarf and the chamomile aromatherapy oil for the next seven days, after which time she was strong enough to be returned to her mum.

I have also used orange solarised water for my chickens as it helps in the winter when they get sniffling due to the extreme cold weather.
I also use peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil to help with their breathing.
They have a red light to help with their lack of energy which happens due to the shortened days in the winter.

All our animals have benefited immensely through colour therapy which I will continue to use for their well being.

Learning Colour Therapy

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