Published on 16 April, 2021 | Accreditation


ylang ylang flower

Ylang-Ylang (pronounced yeelang-yeelang) is another of my favourite essential oils.

This flower has been used for both healing and as a perfume.

The trees grow in the rainforest, which is another important reason for keeping the rainforests alive and looking after this wonderful environment.

Tree or plant? – The flowers of the tree are yellow, pink and mauve – the yellow flowered trees produce the best quality essential oil. The best oils being derived from the flowers which are picked in the earlier part of the summer season and especially if the flowers are picked early in the day.

When to use – Ylang-Ylang is a sedative of the nervous system and is therefore of use to people who breathe over rapidly and have rapid heartbeat (tachycardia). These conditions may be found if a person is shocked, angry, frightened or anxious.  Longer term the symptoms should, of course, be tended to by a doctor but the use of Ylang-Ylang in the short term may be beneficial. Ylang-Ylang is also considered to be helpful in reducing blood pressure but once again medical help should be sought in this instance.

Aphrodisiac – Ylang-ylang is reputed to be an aphrodisiac and can be useful for those who have sexual dysfunction as the Ylang-Ylang lowers anxiety and stress thus breaking the cycle of concern about sexual performance, which leads to more anxiety. Some people find the smell of Ylang-Ylang too sweet so it may best be employed when used in conjunction with another essential oil. Use Ylang-Ylang sparingly, one drop and not everyday as prolonged use can lead to nausea and  a headache.

Ylang-Ylang is also used extensively in fragranced products as it is cheaper and cost and has a strong fragrance, which ‘goes far’.

Extract taken from Part 2 of Aromatherapy Certificate Course


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